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© Copyright 2014 by Daretoshare Therealtruthseeker.





The following video's are testimonies of those who have been given dreams and visions of both heaven and hell and who have had the opportunity to come back and tell of their experiences. Jesus talked more about hell in His word than he did about heaven. Today more and more people are believing that hell is not a real place, and even Christians are believing this lie. hell is a real place of eternal torment, but thanks to Jesus Christ, we do not have to go to this place void of Him and all that is good. Atheists, sinners and people from all walks of life have been given visions of hell and I beg you, dear friend, please consider Jesus Christ and the sacrifice He made for you.
Jesus has also given comfort to those who are waiting for His return by giving glimpses into heaven His home, the place He has prepared for those who love Him. My friends, hell is a real place! and heaven is a real place! God has warned and is still warning but how many are willing to stop listening to their friends, family, and teachers and believe the word of God and what He says. If you died today where would you go for all eternity? if you were planning a trip you would prepare for it? well, this trip is eternal, there is no coming back! once you pass from this life into the next you have made your decision. Make Jesus Christ your Lord and Savior today! it is a matter of life and death, heaven and hell!

 Please take to God all that you see and hear and check scripture to make sure that it lines up with His word.



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