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Word given to Pastor Ray on Sunday July 26, 2015. This message has now been shared internationally. Praise God

America the time for honoring your self has come to an end. A nation that celebrates the murder and dismemberment of Yahweh's unborn will no long
prosper. A just and Holy God will soon answer the cries of the innocent blood. Blood that has been spilled all through out this nation. A blood that declares a nation guilty of it's genocide of tens of millions of precious little ones, at the alter of convenience. America you have been found guilty. And there will be repercussions for your actions. The blessing you have enjoyed will now cease. You have turned your back on the Father and the spiritual hand of His protection has been removed. A time of great weeping has arrived.


To The American Church

And you the American church. You have grown cold. And many that outwardly call me Lord have inwardly rebelled and grown apostate. You say your God's people but a true follower keeps His commandments. But you do not.
Instead, you openly with popular opinion and the desires of man. You celebrate that which is offensive to God and sin. You fail to understand
that God's word is the same yesterday, today and forever. And the wages of sin are still death. You have turned your backs on the God and away from His holy word. And you march in the streets with those who hate His name.
It must be made known that all your deeds are in vain. Because you've chosen to openly mock God and His word, why trying to defend your actions
as holy. You have redefined the true meaning of His love and replaced it with feeling based love of man. And it's a lie. In your ignorance, you are
"loving" those precious lost souls straight to hell. Your love is not of God. His love is an unfailing, agape love; one that does not compromise sin.
As a people your focus has turned away from God and to a cultural Christianity that is founded upon the fallible wisdom of man, and it's anything but Christian.


A Word To The Pastors


Pastors. Those of you who put out lies. Those of you that allow the wolves to come in amongst the flock. You....... have lead and are leading many astray. You have been remiss in your duties to continue on with the truth. Instead you have preached a doctrine of compromise..... a counterfeit gospel that has rendered the people weak. Their minds have been poisoned by the fruit you bare. You actions, your deeds have not gone unnoticed. And on that day.... the day that your guilt overtakes you. He shall declare, I never knew you; Depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness. And this word holds true for all those who stand for nothing. Your silence in the face of darkness has become deafening. It is offensive to God...... And your silence will not be a defence for you, as you stand before the almighty and just God of the universe who whose eyes are a flame of fire. The workers of iniquity.... will have their day. But first, a mighty storm will bare down upon this world. And a great shaking will rock the foundations of the world to each and every corner. Only those who find their shelter in the Almighty, shal withstand it's fury. Those who call Him Lord and honor His word shall have peace and joy in the midst of great upheaval. For His children can do all things through Christ which strengthen them. Make no mistake. The storm is overhead It has arrived. And those with eyes to see, they understand and they have peace. They will not fear these things that are coming to pass, because their focus is on their deliverer. But those who live in denial..... those who have allowed themselves to be overtaken by normalcy bias, they will not be ready for these times. And when the storm unleashes it's full power, shock and awe will rule over them. For they will know that their
rebellion is no longer hidden, and it stands out like a lone flame in the darkness.


© Copyright 2014 by Daretoshare Therealtruthseeker.


If you have come here searching for truth then that's what you will get. From here you are about to embark on a journey that will lead you down a path that few are aware of. Are you ready to have your blinders removed and see the lies that have darkened the path that leads to eternal life? Many are now waking up to the fact that it's not business as usual, and that we have begun to enter a time of great sorrow.
Here your most important questions will be answered questions like, why are we experiencing such extreme weather patterns around the world? Is there life after death and if so where will I go when I die? Is there a god? and does he really love me? what's with all the mass animal die off's, and much more.
Dreams, visions, urgent warnings & prophecy's of the future that God is revealing to his servants will be posted and updated, so please visit often. It is time to prepare yourselves for what is coming, it is time to get ready for the greatest showdown between good and evil that this world has ever witnessed!! This is it Are you ready for the truth?


 Welcome to my website , here you will discover much of what you need to know about where we are in end time Bible prophecy.
All of the information is provided by trusted researchers and teachers of Bible prophecy.
This website is meant to help each visitor prepare for their future, the only thing that I ask is that you share the knowledge with your friends and loved ones.

We have now entered the time in our history that many teachers and prophets from the word of God warned us, including Jesus Christ himself and we are now beginning to see the fulfillment of biblical prophetic events unfolding at a staggering rate of speed and accuracy. This is why I created this Website, I wanted to bring to you the most important and up to date information all in one place.

God Bless You and may He give you the knowledge and wisdom you will need in your search for the ultimate truth! as Jesus Christ, Himself once said, "I am the way, the truth and the life no one comes to the father but through me". (John 3:16) "For God so loved the world that He gave his only begotten Son that for whosoever believes will have
everlasting life

A special word to all who have not yet made a decision to be a follower of Jesus Christ, this website is not meant to bring fear but to give you hope, a hope that you are not alone in this life, but that you have a creator who loves you more than you could ever imagine and he is calling your name today.
Jesus could come at any moment and my question to you is are you ready to meet him? If you are ready to make a decision to follow Him please see at the top left-hand corner of this page a tab entitled the decision, there you will find more information on this subject.

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